Need to update_status on repricing request send on takealot take alot will back update our update_status after updating price and than we check winner or losser it will not overlap re-pricing. ============================================================================================================================= Add instock filters and leadtime filters on replanishment Need to remove no record found on spiner loading (Done) Need to setup activity log data and it's design (Done) Need to check offers image ============================================================================================================================= price up wali percentage main difference kum krna ha Replanishment pr fillter krna ha according too 30 days sale or returns or kuch products ki price up nai ho rhi kuch products ki price na uper jati h or winners losser b kafi dair k bd scrap krta ha boot Search by title in activity log(Done) When product status is not-buyable it's price should be maximum Tsins Update history cron (Done) Out of stock status log in webhook (Done) Anything else fixing (Done) Create & update product webhook ko reolve krna ha (Done) when clicking on next page with filters buyable+lossing+active giving black screen popup (Done) ============================================================================================================================== 1. Check krna ha k takealot ny previous price live kr di h ya nai agr ho gai ha tu next request jaye otherwise na jaye 2. Offer status and stock cron job (done) 3. sales order status cron job (Done) 4. Rating update 5. Select other account link destiny to uni (done) 6. Put graph on dashboard 7. Profile update 8. 0.5 sy back word check krna ha final percentage ko 9. Activate salesup button 10. Agr koi b compititor majood na ho tu price ko maximum kr dena ha (Done) 11. Check krna ha product buyable ha tu repricing ho uski otherwise instant or cron repricing na ho (done) 12. Uni or desitiny compete na krain 13. agr compitor ki price hamari min price sy b nichy ha tu hamary product ki price min set ho jani chaiya 14. rating k sath latest other offer seller count b update krna ha database main 15. agr price jp takealot pr ha wo hamari maximum sy exceeded hoti ha tu repericing work nai kr raha 16- orders is waja sy fetch nai ho rhy new q k previous six month ka record dyta ha takealot waly so daily date change hoti ha 17- start or end date sy sales ly kr ani pary gi 18- Need to put refetch offers button on offers page in dashboard ==============================================================================================================================